We weren’t meant to do life alone. We have a deep desire for connection with others. It started with our deep, intimate relationship with God in the garden. But now there is separation. But our souls still require that connection to be whole.
We were designed to live in community. A community where our unique gifts given to us by God are meant for sharing to build up the whole community, the whole body.
Just like living in isolation beats us down, not using the gifts God gave us for the benefit of the body will also beat us down.

Trying to operate in a gift not given to us, but meant for another leaves us drained and burnt out.
But when we allow ourselves to use our personal gifts it lifts us up, restores our soul and we are energized and excited. Our faith increases. We stand taller. We greet each day with excited anticipation, eager to see what opportunities will show up for us to use our gift – continuing the upward cycle of excitement, joy and energy.
When we isolate ourselves or quench the gifts within us, we open a door to the enemy. We come into agreement with the fear and the belittling comments of the enemy in our heads that we don’t deserve to live in our gifts.
We must learn to take every thought captive and test it for validity.
The enemy tests us by firing negative thoughts at us:
- Who are you to think you should lead worship?
- Who are you to think you deserve grace?
- Your sin is too big for forgiveness.
- You messed up again, what example are you to others?
- You are not good enough.
- Who are you to think you can prophesy?
- You don’t deserve the glory.
- You’ll never be as good as “them”, so don’t even try!
On and on, the enemy lobs these thoughts into our mind. He keeps trying until one finally sticks. Until your response is, “Yeah, who am I to think I can do that?”
And he is in!
He’s got you.
Let the isolation and hiding of your gifts begin.
Oh you may still have success in other areas of your life, but the enemy has turned your focus to things you are “good at” and away from the calling meant just for you.
Does this sound familiar?
Don’t allow the devil to hold you back on moment longer!
Take those thoughts captive!
Right now!
Take a few minutes to list out all of those negative feelings and negative thoughts that replay over and over in your head.
Now take another few minutes to turn each of those into a positive statement. Ask the Holy Spirit to tell you the truth about yourself.
Turn those negative thoughts into positive declarations!
I made a simple worksheet you can download for free to help you through this process. Grab it at the bottom of this post.
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5

Jesus never condemns us. No sin or mistake is too big or too bad for His forgiveness. Give him your sins. Ask for forgiveness, even forgiveness for agreeing with those negative thoughts from the enemy. Ask for forgiveness. Allow yourself to receive His forgiveness and believe it is done.
With Jesus, there is always an exchange. We give him our sin and our troubles and he give us something good in return. It is OK to ask for what you want and need in return.
Ask for: courage, joy, faith, peace, love, community, trust, acceptance, boldness, confidence…
You get the idea.

My mission is to encourage women to trust in themselves in life and in business. With love and faith I lead women business owners to find freedom in their God-given identity so they can live out their purpose with confidence. By helping you set expectations that lead to action, your dreams become a reality!
Stephanie Ferrara
Coach, Speaker, Freedom Fighter
P.S. Be sure to join my free Facebook community Uniquely You Branding for Women! It is a safe place for women just like you who are ready to bravely break through barriers so you can design your brand to be 100% authentically you so that you attract your ideal clients like a magnet! It’s free. Join Here