Division and Jealousy - February 15, 2020
Holy Spirit, I pray that any division, animosity, jealousy and negativity that may exist between any of the leaders and members of my church break now!!!
Open our eyes to see with Your vision, no life filter clouding or skewing the view.
Lord, build up our defenses against the enemy.
Strengthen our bonds with each other.
Remind us of the covenant relationship that we agreed to as being part of leadership in the church.
Show us all how to walk that out with grace, love and truth.
As iron sharpens iron, may we all have the same goal of building each other up in strength and use our words and actions to build each other up and not tear each other down or undermine the ministry.
May we all truly see each other as brothers and sisters in Christ – working toward the same goal of setting the captives and prisoners free!!
So abandon every form of evil, deceit, hypocrisy, feelings of jealousy and slander.
1 Peter 2:1 Tweet