Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of FEAR.
George Addair
I learned something about myself last Thursday. I went to Freedom Prayer and Jesus showed me a lie that I have let influence my life for a very long time.
Fear of Failure.
It was for my own good and my safety.
But had I failed him? No.

Did you know that God feels the same way my dad did?
Fear of failure holds us back from all that God has for us.
If you struggle with fear and other negative thoughts that are holding you back from your success, check out the article I wrote on Taking Thoughts Captive. It even comes with a free worksheet you can download to help you work through the fearful thoughts and build your armor up against them.

My mission is to encourage women to trust in themselves in life and in business. With love and faith I lead women business owners to find freedom in their God-given identity so they can live out their purpose with confidence. By helping you set expectations that lead to action, your dreams become a reality!
Stephanie Ferrara
Coach, Speaker, Freedom Fighter
P.S. Be sure to join my Freedom Insiders online community! It is a safe place for women just like you who are ready to bravely break through barriers so you can connect with your soulfully authentic self for success in life and business. It’s free. Join Here