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God's Love for Humanity | Stephanie Ferrara | Empowered Creativity Coach

God’s Love of Humanity

Friday, we celebrated Good Friday.

That day when we look at what Jesus endured as the final blood sacrifice for our sins.

Saturday we rested.

And Sunday we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ!

On Saturday, as I prayed for our country and the globe I asked Jesus to flood the hospitals across the globe with ministering angels and healing angels.

I asked that as we come into the second half of Passover week, that there be an incredible overflow of reports of angelic encounters among patients and hospital staff.

Encounters, healing, and divine appointments that have no other explanation than a move of God.

A miracle.

God's Love for Humanity | Stephanie Ferrara | Empowered Creativity Coach

God's Love for Humanity

As I asked the Holy Spirit how we should pray for the Church, I heard him say:

Love of Humanity My love for humanity is greater than any one of you could ever imagine or comprehend. My love envelops you like a warm blanket. It protects you like the strongest armor. It comforts you like the biggest hug. My love is unending and unwavering. It is not dependent on anything that you do or say. My love for my children cannot be broken. I weep for those who do not know me, or have the wrong vision of who I AM. I AM mighty. I AM creator. I AM Papa God. I AM your provider, protector, and comforter. I AM. I AM the great I AM. I can crush mountains and design feathers. There is no need to hide from me in shame or fear of punishment. I love my children. I long for you all to call on me as your Papa God. Daddy. I AM a soft place to land. I AM as close as you will let me be. Let me in. Let me come close. I am only distant when you don't let me come close. I AM trustworthy. I AM love. I AM here. Call my name and I come running!

You draw near to those who call out to you, listening closely, especially when their hearts are true. Every one of your godly lovers receives even more than what they ask for. For you hear what their hearts really long for and you bring them your saving strength.

Since receiving this message from the Holy Spirit, I have woken up each morning with the Jenn Johnson song For the One running through my head.

“Let me be filled with kindness and compassion for the one. The one for whom you loved and gave your Son. For humanity increase my love.

Lord, I receive this as a prayer for my life. That I would see others the way that you see them. That I may show them Your love through my actions and service.

Even in just a smile!

Also, read all of Psalm 146!

Out loud!

How do you make sure you are staying on God's path?

I have learned just how important it is to turn over every aspect of my business to God.

From my daily “To Do” list to deciding which clients I accept into my private coaching program, I invite Jesus into the decision making process. 

In my 5 day devotional, Letting God Lead, you will learn how to pray boldly for increased reach, rest and results in your business!

Stephanie Ferrara | Empowered Creativity Coach

My mission is to encourage women to trust in themselves in life and in business. With love and faith I lead women business owners to find freedom in their God-given identity so they can live out their purpose with confidence. By helping you set expectations that lead to action, your dreams become a reality!  

Stephanie Ferrara

Coach, Speaker, Freedom Fighter

God's Love for Humanity | Stephanie Ferrara | Empowered Creativity Coach
God's Love for Humanity | Stephanie Ferrara | Empowered Creativity Coach
God's Love for Humanity | Stephanie Ferrara | Empowered Creativity Coach
God's Love for Humanity | Stephanie Ferrara | Empowered Creativity Coach
Letting God Lead 5 Day Devotional | Empowered Creativity Coach
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