It is vacation week for us in the Ferrara household and as I look out at the beach this morning I am struck with a great sense of awe in the goodness of God.
The other night I went for a walk on the beach with my husband and mother-in-law. As we stopped and looked out at the vastness of the ocean, my mother-in-law said,
“There is no way that you can deny the existence of God when you look out at the ocean.”
She is so right!
She expressed wonder at God’s creation in the same way that I do when I look out over Pinnacle Mountain back home in Arkansas.
Two things that have been on my mental bucket list are going on a cruise with my family and vacationing with my husband’s family.
Last year we went on the cruise for our summer vacation. It took some arm twisting to get my husband to take the time off and actually relax. But it must have done something inside him to have all of that rest because earlier this year he was the one to suggest we take a beach vacation in South Carolina where his family could join us.
That is where we are this week!
The cousins have had a great time playing in the ocean and getting to know each other well. This momma’s heart is full of joy!
So now that I can check off two bucket list vacations, I am dreaming about the next one.

I have set my sites on getting to Alaska in 2021!
I mean LOOK at that MOUNTAIN!!
Now, I don’t want to go hike it and I really don’t have any desire to encounter those bears. I am more about the views, although I do want to go walk on a glacier.
Do you have a bucket list or a vision board that you dream over?
The picture above is definitely going to be printed out and put in my 2019 vision journal.

I have had the same vision board for several years now. As I looked at it over this last year and hosted workshops to help others create their own, I realized that a true vision board is really not that pretty.
I mean, I suppose it could be, but I realized I wanted to make a new one that could go with me. One that I could add to through the year, and journal specific visions.
Above is a picture of my journal for this year. I love it! I have been filling it with magazine clippings that represent where I want to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.
What would you include in your vision journal this year?

My mission is to encourage women to trust in themselves in life and in business. With love and faith I lead women business owners to find freedom in their God-given identity so they can live out their purpose with confidence. By helping you set expectations that lead to action, your dreams become a reality!
Stephanie Ferrara
Coach, Speaker, Freedom Fighter
P.S. Be sure to join my Freedom Insiders online community! It is a safe place for women just like you who are ready to bravely break through barriers so you can connect with your soulfully authentic self for success in life and business. It’s free. Join Here