Do you push yourself to be all that you can be? In your drive for excellence, you may take on so many projects that life often seems chaotic.
In the midst of doing it all, do you remember to take time for yourself?
Spending time on YOU is critical!
It enables you to feel rested, calm, stress-free, and fulfilled. When you’ve had proper rest, you can accomplish more and maintain the stamina to continue.
On the other hand, if you neglect to make time for yourself, you’re more likely to become depressed, stressed, or unhappy.
Perhaps you feel that there’s just not enough time for you. Somewhere in the mix, you lost any time you ever had for yourself. However, the good news is that, with some creativity and perseverance, you can recapture some of that critical you-time!

Consider using these strategies to reap some rejuvenating time for yourself:
1. Pencil yourself in.
Make time for yourself by adding it as a priority in your schedule. As you fill out your planner, include “YOU time” along with your other important tasks and stick to the appointment!
If you need help with penciling yourself in, check out my post Boost Your Productivity: Why Your To Do List Doesn’t Get Done. Just be sure to think of “YOU time” as one of those to do items!
2. Give yourself 15 minutes when you get home.
Insist on at least 15 minutes of recoup and rejuvenation time when you get home from work. If you have to lock yourself away from stressors or even family members, then that’s what you must do! This time allows you to properly transition from your work life to your home life.
If you don’t feel you can do this once you get home, schedule it into your commute time. Maybe it means a few extra laps around the block listening to worship music or (gasp!) in silence as you unwind and leave the day at the office so you can be fully present once you get in the house.
3. Take advantage of your lunch break.
Your lunch break is there for you to do what you please. After you eat, make good use of your time by going for a walk, exercising, listening to inspiring music, or even get in a bit of shopping if that’s what relaxes you.
I know some people who get a 20 minute power nap in during lunch.
When I worked in an office, I used to get back from lunch and sit in the parking lot for about 10 minutes in silence before heading back in. It was a great recharge!
4. Enjoy a break while the kids nap.
Here’s a good tip for stay at home moms. Give yourself some much needed “YOU time” whenever your children sleep. You might be tempted to get as much work done as you can while they’re asleep, but you’ll find you actually get more done if you give yourself a chance to rest and rejuvenate yourself.
5. Go to sleep earlier.
Going to sleep earlier at night will enable you to get up in time to enjoy some morning “me” time. Just think how pleasant it would be to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning without having to look at your watch.
6. Take a vacation day.
I have a friend who regularly takes mental health days off from work.
Take a vacation day to just relax and do whatever you like. You don’t have to take a trip to take a vacation! Time spent on your favorite hobbies will also rejuvenate you. When you return to work, your renewed energy may surprise you!
Rest is so important to avoid burn out and overwhelm. To read an amazing example of how I learned to rest, read Learning to Rest.

My mission is to encourage women to trust in themselves in life and in business. With love and faith I lead women business owners to find freedom in their God-given identity so they can live out their purpose with confidence. By helping you set expectations that lead to action, your dreams become a reality!
Stephanie Ferrara
Coach, Speaker, Freedom Fighter
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