Is your brand recognizable?
Are you known for something?
Are your customers referring their friends and other business owners to you because you keep hitting it out of the park for them?
Do you know what makes your brand unique?
Why do your customers choose to do business with you over your competition?
Do you have raving fans?
Whoa! That was some rapid fire questioning!
It is completely possible to have a business that you love, that encourages and energizes you, and that is in total alignment to who you are at your core – while also attracting your ideal clients and creating raving fans who can’t wait to tell others about you!
If you don’t feel that way about your business right now, that’s OK. We will get you there.
We all know brands that have impacted our lives.
Whether it is childhood memories of getting a toy in your Happy Meal or the ease of use and convenience of your smartphone, we are all changed by the companies we do business with.
The same is true for your customers.
They are impacted and changed by your business.
How they are impacted is up to you.
Well developed brands don’t happen by accident. A lot of thought and intention is built into the experience they want you to have with their company.
You have full control over your customer’s experience.
You are in control.
You will get to design that experience.
But it starts with clarifying who you are. What you stand for. And the brilliance that makes you an expert at what you do!
If you don’t have these answers, it doesn’t really matter what you sell – it won’t come from a place of authenticity. It will drain you. You will struggle with creating content, trying to appeal to all the wrong people (so no one is left behind), and honestly, you will confuse your potential customers.
When you are clear on your core values and your expertise, you can easily move forward into developing a brand that is inviting to your customers and totally authentic to YOU!
Here are my Top 3 Brand Tips That Will Set You Apart from Your Competition
Brand Tip #1 – Be Absolutely Clear in The Impact You Desire
I don’t mean your life history. I am talking about what is important to you. Why are you in business and what impact do you want to have on your customers?
For example, my friend and client Stacy started her jewelry business when she was deep in postpartum depression. Through prayer, the Holy Spirit led her back to a craft that she loved as a way of showing her how loved she is. Through her obedience, she not only built a thriving jewelry business that now employs women in a faith based restoration home, but she wrote a devotional based on her crystal mining and preparation process. She makes jewelry that is stunningly beautiful while helping other women discover their worth in Christ! It is a beautiful thing!
Why are you in business and what do you want your bigger Kingdom impact to be?
How does this translate into your brand? Go read your “About” page. Does it focus on your accomplishments and accolades or does it tell the story about how working with you changes your clients life and impacts the lives of others?
Branding Tip #2: Be Easy to Do Business With
The worst thing you can do is have a complicated website with fluffy wording that doesn’t directly tell your prospective customers what you offer and how it will help them with their most pressing problem.
Don’t hide your offer or bury your free download. Make it front and center. Give them a reason to give you a try!
Have someone who knows nothing about what you do review your website. If they have questions and can’t find your product – you need to make some changes.
My best friend, Jaimie, looks at all of my new pages on my website. She is my best user experience tester! She isn’t afraid to offend me or tell me, “I just don’t understand what you are saying.”
If she can’t find my product offer – neither can a potential customer coming to my site ready to buy but leaving confused and disappointed.
Branding Tip #3: Make it Flow
When a potential customer is getting to know you, show them that you are intentional and consistent. I am talking about imagery not only on your website, but across your social channels, too.
Are you all about helping your potential customer create an awesome birthday party for their child on your website with tons of ideas and themes, selling supplements on your Facebook business page, and then showing how you went out partying all night on your Insta?
Come on ladies!! You are in business and need to show your customers that you are serious about it.
I am not suggesting that you can’t EVER talk about something other than toddler birthday parties on your party planning website!
Please share real life in the occasional blog post or Instagram Story. But overall, your online presence should stay on topic.
My prayer for you is that you are able to settle into a brand identity that feels totally authentic to you and attract your ideal clients to you with ease leading to increased sales!
Find your purpose – you deep down desire to impact the Kingdom through your business! Make sure you are easy to do business with. And show your customers that you are serious and in this for the long haul with a brand presence that shines online!
Can I help you get clear on your brand experience?
My 8 week course, Branding Is Personal, is your next step. Enrollment is only open until November 11th. Spend these next 8 weeks refining your brand so that you step into 2020 with confidence and keep on attracting your ideal clients like a magnet!
Here’s to increase and breakthrough!! It starts with the work you do now!

My mission is to encourage women to trust in themselves in life and in business. With love and faith I lead women business owners to find freedom in their God-given identity so they can live out their purpose with confidence. By helping you set expectations that lead to action, your dreams become a reality!
Stephanie Ferrara
Coach, Speaker, Freedom Fighter
P.S. Be sure to join my Uniquely You Branding for Women online community! It is a safe place for women just like you who are ready to bravely break through barriers so you can connect with your soulfully authentic self for success in life and business. It’s free. Join Here